Sunday, 7 December 2008

Part One Of The Legend Of Old Greg

Part Two

Part Three

Quotes From 'Old Greg'

*You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?

*Do you want to go to a club where people wee on each other?

*I got all things that are good.

*It's attached to your rod, mother licker!

*I got a mangina!

*You seen my downstairs mix-up.

*I'm Old Gregg!

*Bailey's. Mmm... creamy. Soft creamy beige.

*Make an assessment.

*Yes sir, thank ya sir!

*Easy now my fuzzy little man peach

*Some say he's half-man, half-fish, but some say he is more of a 70-30 split; whatever the percentage he's one fishy b*****d.

*Some say Old Gregg is like a.. a big fish finger. But big like as in a garage. Imagine a fish finger as big as a garage!

*And this ones as close as you can get to Baileys without gettin' your eyes wet.